Date posted: February 13, 2013
The Local Government Association is concerned for Motorists facing “catastrophic” road conditions, after councils are left hopelessly trying to repair road potholes due to a significant lack of road funds.
Councillor Peter Box said “decades of under funding of central government and appalling weather conditions had left miles of road in a dangerous condition,” according to The Telegraph.
He warned that severe weather conditions such as intense flooding or harsh winters could have “catastrophic consequences” for Britain’s roads if councils continue to suffer from funding shortages.
“Under funding by Whitehall, severe winters and last year’s widespread flooding has left large swathes of our roads in disrepair with many councils struggling to move beyond simply patching up a deteriorating network,” said the councilor.
Seeing as potholes form as water freezes and expands in cracks in the road surface, there is a danger that the problem will only get worse if Britain is faced with more flooding or snowy spats.
Councils need “increased and consistent funding”
Despite the councils’ efforts to tackle millions of potholes in previous years to keep the roads safe, the councils still need “increased and consistent funding” to invest in resurfacing projects.
Concerns are raised at reports reveal that potholes are accountable for a significant number of vehicle damage, such as damage to the wheels and tyre and steering alignment.